Virtual learning, in particular, has been defined as any system of education and instruction that brings together participants who are separated by geographical distances or time. Notably, in virtual learning environment interactive telecommunications systems are utilized to connect learners, resources, and instructors. Accordingly, the present study sought to investigate the significant effect of virtual teaching on improving reading comprehension of undergraduate EFL university students. To this end, from the population of students majoring in English translation, at Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran, one control group, one virtual class, and one blended group were selected, each consisting of thirty participants. Subsequently, the virtual group was exposed to web-based technologies throughout the entire term while the students in the control group were taught through traditional method. Moreover, the instructor in the blended group used both traditional and innovative methods. The results of the t- test revealed that the group which was taught through web-based technologies during the term progressed substantially in comparison with the other two groups. Moreover, there appeared to be a significant difference between the pretest and posttest in the virtual group. Evidently, the results of the present study may have practical implications for EFL teachers, online instructors, distance education programmers, materials developers, and syllable designers.


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