The purpose of this study is to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) perceived by the learners regarding the acceptance of MOOCs in Malaysian universities. Quantitative research method was used and the descriptive data related to satisfaction, perceived service quality, and attitude toward the use of MOOCs were collected from the second-year undergraduate students (n = 622) at five universities in Malaysia. The positive results showed in this study are that the students in Malaysian universities are highly interested and willing to accept MOOC that facilitates wider access to high-quality higher education provision; however, the lack of the learner skills and experience and the heavy workloads of MOOC are the weaknesses and threats faced by learners when using MOOC. The significance of the paper is to inform instructors, decision makers, and researchers about the SWOT perceived by learners toward accepting MOOC which can help recommend strategies and policies for the future development, adoption, and success of MOOC in the context of higher education in Malaysia.


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