Plastid DNA variation of the endemic species Oxytropis glandulosa Turcz. (Fabaceae)

Plastid DNA variation of the endemic species Oxytropis glandulosa Turcz. (Fabaceae)

Oxytropis glandulosaTurcz. (Fabaceae) is a rare perennial plant endemic to Buryatia (Russia). We sequenced three intergenicspacers (thepsbA trnH ,trnL trnF , andtrnS trnG ) of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) in specimens of four populations from two geographicregions (Barguzin and Yeravna depressions) within this species range. The levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity varied in the rangeof 0.133 0.911 and 0.0002 0.0059, respectively. The highest values of these parameters are characteristic of populations located in theBarguzin depression. Variable sites detected within the intergenic spacers allowed the identification of eleven haplotypes; nine of themwere found in the populations from the Barguzin depression and only two haplotypes were found in the populations from the Yeravnadepression. No common haplotypes for all four populations were found. A high level of population differentiation ( Φ ST= 0.758, P


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