Determination of Climate Change Adaptation Behavior of Wheat Producing Farmers; the Case of Çorum Province in Türkiye

Determination of Climate Change Adaptation Behavior of Wheat Producing Farmers; the Case of Çorum Province in Türkiye

Global climate change is a threat to Türkiye, especially in the agricultural sector. In recent years, the impact of climate change has been felt seriously in Çorum Province. The present study was carried out after it was observed that the average temperature in Çorum province, which was 10.8°C in 1929-2019 period, rose up to 13.15°C in 2020. The aim of the present study was to determine the factors that affect the climate change adaptation behavior of the farmers in Çorum, where 37% of the land is devoted to wheat production. A survey was conducted with 385 farmers in January and February, 2021. The effect of factors on adaptation behavior was calculated by means of path analysis. It was revealed that personal experience had a positive effect of 54% on adaptation behavior, 50% on risk perception and 81% on climate change beliefs. In addition, although belief in climate change had a 45% positive effect on risk perception, risk perception and beliefs had no significant effect on the adaptation behavior. As a result, raising the awareness of farmers about adaptation using agricultural extension services and personal experience teaching method before incurring economic loss is critical to reduce climate risks and to better adapt to climate change.


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  • Doğan HG, Kan M. 2018. The nexus of CO2 emission, population, agricultural area size, GDP and energy use in Türkiye. Fresenius Environ Bull, 27(10): 6812-6823.
  • Doğan HG, Kan A. 2019. The effect of precipitation and temperature on wheat yield in Türkiye: a panel FMOLS and panel VECM approach. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 21(1): 447-460.
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  • Ghanian M, Ghoochani O, Dehghanpour M, Taqipour M, Taheri F, Cotton M. 2020. Understanding farmers’ climate adaptation intention in Iran: A protection-motivation extended model. Land Use Policy, 94(February): 104553.
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  • Jin J, Xuhong T, Wan X, He R, Kuang F, Ning J. 2020. Farmers’ risk aversion, loss aversion and climate change adaptation strategies in Wushen Banner, China. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63(14): 2593- 2606.
  • 11th Development Plan 2019. 11th Development Plan 2019- 2023. 1–209. 2019/07/OnbirinciKalkinmaPlani.pdf
  • Kara H, Dönmez Şahin M, Ay Ş. 2010. İklim Değişikliğinin Uşak’ta Tarım Ürünlerine Etkisi. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3(1): 39–46.
  • Karaman S, Gokalp Z. 2019. Impacts of Global Warming and Climate Change Over Water Resources. International Journal of Agricultural and Natural Sciences, 3(1): 59-66.
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  • Lawrence J, Quade D, Becker J. 2014. Integrating the effects of flood experience on risk perception with responses to changing climate risk. Natural Hazards, 74(3): 1773–1794.
  • Le Dang H, Li E, Nuberg I, Bruwer J. 2014. Understanding farmers’ adaptation intention to climate change: A structural equation modelling study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Environmental Science & Policy, 41: 11–22.
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  • Leiserowitz AA. 2005. American risk perceptions: Is climate change dangerous? Risk Analysis, 25(6): 1433–1442.
  • Lesk C, Rowhani P, Ramankutty N. 2016. Influence of extreme weather disasters on global crop production. Nature, 529(7584): 84–87.
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  • Makuvaro V, Walker S, Masere TP, Dimes J. 2018. Smallholder farmer perceived effects of climate change on agricultural productivity and adaptation strategies. Journal of Arid Environments, 152: 75–82.
  • MGM, 2021. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. Misra M. 2017. Smallholder agriculture and climate change adaptation in Bangladesh: questioning the technological optimism. Climate and Development, 9(4): 337–347.
  • Moore FC, Lobell DB. 2015. The fingerprint of climate trends on European crop yields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(9): 2670–2675.
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Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2148-127X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Aylık
  • Başlangıç: 2013
  • Yayıncı: Turkish Science and Technology Publishing (TURSTEP)