Examination of Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program Students’ Psychological Resilience, Life Orientation, and Coping Resources during the COVID 19 Pandemic

Examination of Psychological Counseling and Guidance Program Students’ Psychological Resilience, Life Orientation, and Coping Resources during the COVID 19 Pandemic

In this study, the coping sources with the levels of optimism and psychological resilience during the COVID 19 pandemic were examined. A descriptive survey model was used. Online information collection tools were sent to all students (320 undergraduate and master’s students) enrolled in the Psychological Counselling and Guidance (PCG) program. The data obtained with the tools from both surveys answered by 196 participants were analyzed using the SPSS 17 program. Personal information form, the Brief Psychological Resilience Scale, and Life Orientation Scale were used. The results revealed that students' levels of resilience and optimism were high, their levels of optimism predicted their resilience, and they saw themselves as sufficient to cope with difficulties during the COVID 19 pandemic period. It can be said that positive character traits such as optimism and resilience protect people from the negative feelings caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. Implications for future research and practice were discussed.


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Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1302-1370
  • Başlangıç: 1990
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