Advertisements in Uzbek Language

Advertisements in Uzbek Language

Advertising is not just an object of science, it has been studiedand given various definitions by the scholars of several fields, such aseconomics, linguistics, psychology, sociology. The article examines thesedefinitions and recommends the authors about definitions. Opinionswere also expressed on the origin, evolution and role of advertisingin the modern communication process. Advertising is an almost newphenomenon in the Uzbek speech discourse. Works on this field are justunderway to create advertisements that are in line with Uzbek traditionsand communication traditions. In determining the position of the promotional product in the marketeconomy and, accordingly, in choosing the type of presentation, theinformation is required to provide for the customers about each aspect ofthe finished product and determine the consumer layer. With the adoptionof any proposals in the development of such and similar rules, the changein society’s outlook as a result of social diachronic and synchronoussituations, there is a lot of debate on the problem of classifying theadvertising industry among global advertisers. Popular culture manipulates the human mind. The article analyzes theprocess of penetration of popular culture through advertising.


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