Purpose: To define the working conditions and health status of children working at open air markets. Method: The scope of this descriptive study covered children 8 to 18 years of age, working at the largest regional open-air markets of the Kadýköy district of Istanbul city. Eighty-nine students, who could be contacted with during the period June-July were included in the sample. Data were collected using a questionnaire encompassing questions that assess children’s socio-demographical attributes, reasons for working, working conditions, and health problems. Questionnaires were done during face-to-face interviews conducted by the researchers. Findings: Of the participant children, 74.1% were 11- 16 years old. The rate of the children that were not going to school was 37.1%. Of them, 29.2% had been working at open-air markets since the age of 9. Sixty-four per cent of the children were working 5-6 days per week while 12.4% the whole week. 70.8% were starting work before morning and 51.7% were working until 2100-2200 in the evening. Of them, 74.2% did not have social insurances. Complaints that the children had were as follows: 28.1% waist pain, 9% back pain,21.3% foot pain, 21.3% nasal bleeding, 42.7% fatigue/weariness. Of the children, 39.3% have had a health problem requiring treatment within the last year. 31.5% have had an accident at the market, and 36% had been injured by a sharp tool. Result: Children working at the open-air markets spend most of the day without giving a resting break. The majority work more than five days a week. Almost all of the children do not have social insurances. Most frequent health problem experienced by them is fatigue/weariness. Nearly one third have experienced accidents and injuries at the market environment.


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