Kitle iletişim araçlarıyla üretilen söylemler, toplumsal ilişkilere dayalı somut yaşam deneyimlerinin yeniden üretilmesine dayanmakta ve izleyicinin yabancılaştığı birer gösteri nesnesi haline dönüşerek topluma sunulmaktadır. Medyatik söylemlerin toplumla olan bu yapay iletişimi, Guy Debord’un “gösteri toplumu” kavramına işaret etmektedir. Gösteri toplumunun bir üretim mecrası olan televizyonda toplumsal değerler, sıradanlaştırılarak insanların eğleneceği birer gösteri malzemesine dönüştürülmektedir. Bu kapsamda televizyonda yayınlanan “İlk Buluşma” adlı programda yer alan 84 şaka, içerik analizi ile incelenmiş, programda ön plana çıkarılan konulara göre 5 bölüm, eleştirel söylem analiziyle çözümlenmiştir. Çözümleme sonucunda kıskançlık, geleneksel aile ilişkileri, cinsiyetçilik ve suç gibi temalara dayanılarak içerik üretildiği, bu içerik üretim süreci sonunda ortaya çıkan ürünlerin Guy Debord’un gösteri toplumu teziyle benzerlik taşıdığı görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Gösteri Toplumu, Guy Debord, Televizyon Programı, Toplumsal Değerler ABSTRACT Discourses, produces by mass media are based on the reproduce of the concrete experiences which based on social relations and they are presented to public, as an object of spactacle that alienate from the spectator.This artificial communication between the mediatic discourse and community refers to “The Society of the Spectacle” of Guy Debord. On Tv, which is a production area of the society of the spectacle, social values are been hackneyed and becomes the materials of the spectacle which humour the spectators. In this context, a Tv program, named “The First Date” has been studied and 84 prank in this program have been observed with content analysis, and 5 chapters that have been selected according to prominent themes, analyzed with discourses analysis. As a result, it has been emerged that contents in the program are produced based on themes like jealousy, traditional family relationships, sexism and blame. At the and of this process, it has also been emerged that, the produced contents correspond to Guy Debord’s “The Society of the Spectacle”. Keywords: The Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord, TV Program, Social Values

From Spectacle to Reproduction: Prank TV Shows

Discourses produced by mass media are grounded on the reproduction of the concrete human experiences which are based on social relations and they are presented to the public, transforming into an object of spactacle through which spectators are alienated. This artificial communication between the mediatic discourse and community refers to The Society of the Spectacle of Guy Debord. Social values are hackneyed and transformed into the materials of the spectacle which humour the spectators on television, which is a area of the production of the society of the spectacle. In this context, a TV program named The First Date has been studied and 35 chapters (84 pranks) in this program analyzed with content analysis. As a result, it has been emerged that produced contents of the program are based on themes such as jealousy, traditional family relationships, sexism and blame. At the and of this process, it has also been emerged that, the produced contents correspond to Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle.


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