İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenmekte olan üst seviyedeki sınıflarda roman öğretimi

İngilizceyi yabancı dil olarak öğrenmekte olan üst seviyedeki sınıflarda roman öğretimi

The aim of this study is to discuss how to teach literature in EFLclasses in general and how to teach a novel in particular. First of all, I willmention about the background to the study as well as the aim and the scope.Secondly, I will touch on language competence and literary competence.Then, It will be given the importance of style. I discuss students shouldknow the style which is used by a writer to evaluate a work of art. It will bereviewed about the structure of the novel. Since the aim of this work is toshow how to study a novel, we should learn the structure of it beforeevaluating the novel. Finally, It will be explained how to teach a novel inpractice.


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