Creative writting of students with computer in German as a foreign language course

Creative writting of students with computer in German as a foreign language course

The aim of this study is to show that beginner students in Turkish universitiesare able to write creatively though their knowledge of the foreign language islimited. Students will be given a text designed in a computer-assisted project inGerman writing courses. Students will be asked to develop and finalize a text in the computer environment whose introductory part is give. These texts are sent to thecourse instructor via e-mail. The instructor underlines the errors in the texts andsends them back to students. Students correct their errors with their classmates. Theyask for the help of the instructor whenever they cannot correct an error. This methodaims to ensure that students become aware of their errors and learn from errors, todevelop text production and eliminate – to an extent – the paralysis experiencedthroughout the writing process. The samples indicate that students can be creative,and that they are free in planning and word choice.


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