Zaman, tüm değişimlerin içinden geçtiği süreçtir. Bu süreç sınırlandırılabilmektedir.


The tense is the process which the verb is processed. This process is limited. In Bulgarian there are nine tenses in total which are centered in the present continuous tense based upon two basic tenses (past/future). The aspect category is used both in the past and the present tenses formation. In Turkish tense suffixes are added to the verb and shape four tenses. Tense runs from a single point in Bulgarian. This point is present continuous tense. Even without conjugation and tense, verb is first person singular in the present continuous tense. Form and meaning of each verb has parallel aspect feature. The aspect of the verb is specific. Although in the present continuous tense, the verb has an aspect, the bond between tense and aspect in Bulgarian is not tight. Because, the verbs in Bulgarian can have conjugation in all tenses even if they are imperfective (несвършен вид) or perfective (свършен вид) aspect. In Turkish as the verbs have infinitive forms, they do not have any connection with any tense at the beginning. The purpose of our work is to compare Turkish and Bulgarian in terms of time and aspect.


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