The Development of an Achievement Test for the Principles and Methods of Instruction Course

The aim of this study was to develop an Achievement Test in the Principles and Methods of Instruction Course. 14 objectives were developed in accordance with the aims and goals of the course as determined by the Council of Higher Education. The first form of the achievement test which consisted of 49 items was applied to 486 sophomore students who took the Principles and Methods of Instruction Course at the spring semester of 2016-2017 academic year. Test Analysis Program (TAP, version 14. 7. 4) was used to examine the item discrimination indices, item difficulty indices and reliability coefficient of the achievement test. After conducting the analysis, the difficulty indices of the remaining items ranged between ‘0.15-0.74’ with a mean difficulty index of 0.51. The item discrimination indices were between ‘0.21-0.57’ with a mean difficulty index of 0.37. Finally, the KR-20 value was found to be 0.78.


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