The design of the EU policies to the Caucasus countries,Annenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia came quite Iate.The EU after the end of the Cold War tried to establish closerelationships with the New Independent States (NIS). TheCommission considered that the fonner Soviet Republics had thenecessary structures and means to establish a new kind ofrelationship in line with the concept of Partnership andCooperation. Political refonns and transition to market economywere goals to be achieved in order to establish a larger Europeanspace covering different areas of the fonner Soviet Union.The European Council in ı992 gaye to the Commission thetask of negotiating Partnership and Cooperation agreements withRussia and NlS.In the case of the Caucasus countries the approach andnegotiations, as we mentioned, started quite Iate, given the annedconflicts that were developed at the beginning of the nineties. Inthis situation the principal EU approach was not political buthumanitarian. SmaIl T ACIS programs, a loan program andhumanitarian aid were the principal EU engagements in theCaucasus until 1995.


  • Commission of the European Communities, 1995: Towards a European Union Strategy for Relations with the Transcaucasian Republics, COM(95)205 final.
  • Commission of the European Communities, 1999: The European Union Relations with Southem Caucasus in the framework of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements, COM(l999)272 finaL.
  • The European Union General Report (/995-1999) (Luxembourg: Official Publication Office).
  • Hcrzig, Edmund, 1999: The New Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (London:RIIA).
  • Macfarlane, Neil, 1999: Western Engagement in the Caucasus and Central Asia (London: RIIA).
  • Marquina, Antonio (ed.), 1997: El Caucaso. RivaUdades y estrategias (Madrid: lnstituto de Europa Oriental).
  • Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Armenia (1999) (Madrid: BOE).
  • Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Azerbaijan (1999) (Madrid:BOE).
  • Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Georgia (1999) (Madrid: BOE) . TACIS Programme Annual (1993-/998) (Luxembourg: Offici al Publication Office).
  • http://www.traceca.orgl