Task or teacher role? Does mediated learning experience work in all tasks in language classes?

Task or teacher role? Does mediated learning experience work in all tasks in language classes?

This study was a start up from the assumption that language learning and teaching is a mediation act and has sociocultural aspects. Using culture and environment in language teaching and learning entails some procedures and process to look into minutes of residues in learners’ cognitive sphere of both native and target language speech acts, conversational maxims in understanding ethos, pathos, and logos. This small-scale study reinforced our assumption that using cultural patterns and environment-specific linguistic materials such as songs, idioms, and witty sayings increased learner awareness and learner autonomy in language learning at its best. In addition, this study asserted and proved to have produced prolific opportunities for learners of a language pertaining to creating interactive language learning and teaching. Study included giving questionnaires and interviews with the participants concerning the tasks assigned to the students; Tasks with songs, idioms, phrases, and oxymoronic phrases for teaching/learning purposes. Participants stated to have asserted themselves to use them in specific cultural context developing a significant degree of awareness for muse and amusement of task- based activities in language learning.


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