Gaga Gölü (Ordu, Türkiye)’nden yakalanan tatlısu ıstakozu (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823)’nda ağırlık-uzunluk ilişkisi ve et verimi

Bu çalışmada Gaga Gölü’nden yakalanan tatlısu ıstakozu (Astacus leptodactylus)’nun ağırlık-uzunluk ilişkisi ve et verimi incelendi. Aynı karapaks uzunluk grubundaki erkek ve dişi tatlısu ıstakozlarının (kerevit) karapaks genişliği, abdomen uzunluğu, abdomen genişliği, toplam uzunluğu, kıskaç uzunluğu, kıskaç genişliği ve kıskaç ayak uzunluğu karşılaştırıldığında erkeklerin dişilerden istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede uzun olduğu belirlendi (P

The relationships between length-weight, and meat content of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) caught from Gaga Lake (Ordu-Turkey).

In this study, length-weight relation and meat content were investigated in freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823) caught from Gaga Lake. In the comparison of carapace width, abdomen length, abdomen width, total length, chelae length, cheliped width and cheliped length between males and females; it was found that significantly bigger those of the females (P<0.001 for each case). The results showed that there was a linear relationship (rmales= 0.87 and rfemales= 0.90) between carapace length and body weight of males and females. In addition, regression coefficients showed that negative allometric body weight increase occurs in both sexes (slope males= 2.55 and slopefemales= 2.49). Furthermore, regression analyzes showed that while there was a linear relationship (rmales= 0.75) between abdomen meat content and carapace length in males, there was not a linear relation (rfemales= 0.48) in that of females. The results also showed that, there was a negative allometric growth in abdomen meat content of male and female (slopemales= 1.83 and slopefemales= 1.23), but there was a positive allometric growth in the chelea meat content of the females and males (slopemales= 4.79 and slopefemales= 3.73). On the other hand, as regarding total meat content there was a positive allometric growth in the total meat content of males (slopemales= 3.18), but there was a negative allometric growth in the total meat content of females (slope females= 1.92), and it was found that the abdomen, chelae and total meat content of males was significantly higher than those of the females (P<0.001 for each case).
