.05) of individuals in each group. There was interaction group x goal on their performances (Fp67) =4.686; p> .05), self confidence (F(167) =4.656; p> .05) and self-efficacy (F^ 67) =4.993; p> .05). In conclusion, disabled children joining in an integration program with able-bodied children is possible from the view of dart performance. We found that for the able body children performance goals are useful, while for the disabled children outcome goals are more effective. "> [PDF] Hedef belirlenen engelli olan ve olmayan öğrencilerde antrenmanın performans ve duygusal durumlar üzerine etkisi | [PDF] Effects of training on performance and emotional status of goal assigned students with and without disabilities .05) of individuals in each group. There was interaction group x goal on their performances (Fp67) =4.686; p> .05), self confidence (F(167) =4.656; p> .05) and self-efficacy (F^ 67) =4.993; p> .05). In conclusion, disabled children joining in an integration program with able-bodied children is possible from the view of dart performance. We found that for the able body children performance goals are useful, while for the disabled children outcome goals are more effective. ">

Hedef belirlenen engelli olan ve olmayan öğrencilerde antrenmanın performans ve duygusal durumlar üzerine etkisi

Bu araştırmanın amacı, altı haftalık "Dünya turu" oyunu ile benzer dart performansına sahip ortopedik engelli olan ve olmayan öğrencilere belirlenen performans ve sonuç hedeflerinin performans, beden imgesi, öz yeterlik ve kaygı puanları üzerine etkisini karşılaştırmaktır. Araştırmaya yaşları 16-19 arasında olan (n=36) Ortopedik Engelliler Meslek Lisesi ile (n=36) genel liseden erkek öğrenciler katılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Sporda Görev Ego Yönelimi Ölçeği (SGEYÖ), Çok Boyutlu Beden İlişkiler Ölçeği (ÇBBİÖ), Yarışma Durumluk Kaygı Envanteri (CSAI-II) ile gruplara özel geliştirilen öz yeterlik ölçekleri kullanılmıştır. Grupların, duygusal durumları ile dart performanslarını karşılaştırmak için ANCOVA, anlamlı çıkmaları durumunda ise post-hoc testlerinden Bonferroni testi kullanılmıştır. ANCOVA sonuçlarına göre, grupların engelinin olup olmamasının bilişsel kaygı puanları üzerine etkili olduğu bulunmuştur (F(167) = 4.388; p< .05). Gruplara hedef belirlenmesi ise onların kendine güven (F(167) = 4.216; p< .05) ve öz yeterlik puanları (F(167) = 31.184; p< .05) üzerine etkili olmuştur. Grupların engelinin olup olmaması ile onlara hedef belirlenmesinin etkileşimi performans (F(167)= 4.686; p

Effects of training on performance and emotional status of goal assigned students with and without disabilities

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of goal-assigned performance and outcome goals in dart performance and emotional process of student with or without orthopedic disabilities through a six week dart game called "Around the World". Four groups of participants with or without CP ranging in age from 16 to 19 years were formed. The participants with CP (36 males) attended a special education program at a local boarding school. Participants without disabilities (36 males) attended a local high school. In this study, "Around İne World" and Task and Ego Orientation in Sports Quostionnaire (TEOSQ), Multiple Body Self Questionnaire Relationship (MBSQR), Competition Sport Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-II) and self-efficacy which were developed for performance and outcome groups scales were used to collect data. ANCOVA and Bonferroni, one of the post-hoc tests, were used to compare the emotional status and the performances of the groups. According to ANCOVA results, whether the students were disabled or not cognitive anxiety test scores were affected (F^ 67j = 4.388; p .05) and self-efficacy test scores (F(i,67) — 31-184; p> .05) of individuals in each group. There was interaction group x goal on their performances (Fp67) =4.686; p> .05), self confidence (F(167) =4.656; p> .05) and self-efficacy (F^ 67) =4.993; p> .05). In conclusion, disabled children joining in an integration program with able-bodied children is possible from the view of dart performance. We found that for the able body children performance goals are useful, while for the disabled children outcome goals are more effective.


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