The major issue to deal with is the violence of youth who is dynamic part of the society, yet this crucial social problem is not put enough emphasis on World Health Organization (WHO) considers that matter as one of the prior and universal issues needed to be solved. Acts of violence committed by young persons with cutleries and firearms make a great effect on the social life with the results of psychological and socio-economic results in addition to life losses and injuries. The youth-borne activities especially in the Western societies that are performed with firearms and cause the mass deaths lead to worries in all communities inasmuch as violence is a learned behavior. In our country, the studies conducted on the youth violence are hardly sufficient. The scientific researches concentrate on the certain types of violence such as the "violence against women", "domestic violence", and "child battering" but however the studies on the "youth violence" remain short. The research study in youth violence is conducted in Sivas, which aims to examine the knife using behaviors of youth during a fight with regard to various variables. We choose the province of Sivas on the grounds that the cutlery has a great importance in the city life, the prevalence of the behaviors of carrying a knife and knife using in the swagger culture in its old boroughs such as Yüceyurt (Çavuşbaşı), Kızılırmak (Çayırağzı), Pulur, the official records of stabbing cases of almost every day among the youth according to the statistics of the years of 2001 – 2011, an action plan developed for the city, and the convenience for a research. The quality and form of relationships which youngsters establish among their families, schools and social environment act as a determinative in forming their behaviors towards violence. In order to solve the problems derived from the youth violence, it is of vital importance that the youth are able to communicate with their parents in a trust-based relationship and share their problems. This is also true in the school environment and social circle where they spend a considerable part of their lives. In addition, some strategies facilitate the problem solving, such as raising awareness on the negativities of the youth violence, making eye-opening additions into the educational programs, extending the counseling services, and developing informative programs through the communication instruments. 


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