Kültürel çalışmalar, medya ve sinema alanındaki çalışmalarıyla tanınan Hamid Naficy ile yapılan bu söyleşiyi Özde Çeliktemel-Thomen Haziran 2015'te Atina'daki Uluslarası Balkanlar ve Ortadoğu'da Erken Dönem Sinema Konferansı esnasında gerçekleştirdi. Naficy'nin görüşleri, bilhassa son kitaplarındaki (Naficy 2011, 2012), erken dönem İran sinemasının Ortadoğu ve Balkanlar'daki sinema tarihleriyle paralel noktaları olduğunu ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Söyleşide, dünya sineması ile Yılmaz Güney, Tevfik Başer ve Fatih Akın gibi yönetmenlerin filmlerinden Naficy'nin "accented cinema" teorisi bağlamında bahsedilir.

Erken Dönem İran Sinemasından Aksanlı Sinemaya: Hamid Naficy ile Söyleşi

Hamid Naficy, a leading authority in cultural studies, media, and cinema, was interviewed by Özde Çeliktemel-Thomen during the first International Conference on Early Cinema in the Balkans and Near East, which met in Athens in June, 2015. Naficy's thoughts, especially those appearing in his latest books (Naficy 2011, 2012), point to parallels between the history of early Iranian cinema and the history of Middle Eastern/Balkan cinema. In the interview, Naficy discusses how his theory of "accented cinema" is linked to world cinema and the films of Yılmaz Güney, Tevfik Başer, and Fatih Akın.


  • Nafcy, H. (2011). A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Volume 1: The Artisanal Era, 1897-1941. Duke University Press. https://www.
  • Nafcy, H. (2011). A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Volume 2: The Industrial Years, 1941-1978. Duke University Press. https://www. html
  • Nafcy, H. (2012). A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Volume 3: The Islamicate Period, 1978-1984. Duke University Press. https://www. html
  • Nafcy, H. (2012). A Social History of Iranian Cinema. Volume 4: The Globalizing Era, 1984-2010. Duke University Press. https://www. html
  • Nafcy, H. (2001). An Accented Cinema: Exile and Deasporic Filmmaking. Princeton University Press. titles/7068.html
  • Nafcy, H. (2013). Branch-Campus Initiatives to Train Media-Makers and Journalists: Northwestern University's Branch Campus in Doha, Qatar. Metter Hjort (Ed.), in The Education of the Filmmaking in Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas (p.81-89). London: Palgrave.
  • Filmography
  • Akın, F. (Director/Writer). (2014). The Cut [Film]. Germany.
  • Akın, F. (Director/Writer). (2005). Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul [Film]. Turkey-Germany.
  • Akın, F. (Director/Writer). (2004). Head-on [Film]. Germany-Turkey.
  • Akın, F. (Director/Writer). (1998). Short Sharp Shock [Film]. Germany.
  • Başer, T. (Director/Writer). (1986). 40 M2 Deutschland [Film]. Germany.
  • Gören, Ş. (Director/Writer). (1982). The Road [Film]. Turkey.
  • Güney, Y. (Director/Writer). (1983). The Wall [Film]. France-Turkey.
  • Lumière Brothers. (Director). (1897). Spanish Bullfght [Film].
  • Lumière Brothers. (Director). (1895). Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat [Film]. France.
  • Nafcy, H. (Director/Writer). (1971). Salamander Syncope [Film].
  • Nafcy, H. (Director/Writer). (1969). Ellis Island [Film].
  • Porter, E. S. (Director). (1903). The Great Train Robbery [Film]. USA.