The movement of the murid formed around Naqshi Sheikh Halil İbrahim Soğukoğlu in the region of Kurd-Dagh  in the north of Aleppo is an important but neglected event of our recent history. The aim of this article is examine historical devolepment of the mounoument and  is to make some  inferences about movement. The Murit movement, which has been formed since the end of the 1920’s, gradually became a social and anti-feudal character. Soğukoğlu, who has connections with Turkey, introduced himself as a soldier in the region. The movement supported both by Turkey and by the Patriotic Masses in Syria due to its anti-French character has been strengthened since 1936 and has become a powerhouse in the region. The murids first clashed with the French supported local big landowners, then with the French. Finally, the French have organized a military campaign involving aircrafts against the movement on the Kurd Mountain. At the end of the campaign, a large number of people have fled to Turkey and have been settled here. The act that played a part in the participation of  Hatay in Turkey was ignored especially because the components of the movement did not fit the frame of the identity and official political discourse. At the same time, the movement is not systematic and organized but it is important for Turkey to demonstrate that it at least shows political intention to take the Aleppo and its North from time to time as a political maneuver.


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