Dünya'nın Başkenti/ Speer' Üzerine Yönetimbilimsel Bir İnceleme

A Methodological Study on "The Capital of the World/Speer"

This examination is about play 'Speer' by Esther Vilar as an example of documentary theatre. This play tells Nazi Ideology. Albert Speer, one of Adolf Hitler's man, had been judged and spent 20 years in jail after the war. One day he went to Eastern Germany for a conferance and met Bauer. Bauer is an actor who is considered as an agent during the play. During the examination Speer's character and a dark period of history have been traced.


Clark, Toby, 'Sanat ve Propaganda', Çev. Esin Hoşsucu, Ayrıntı Yayınları, İstanbul, 2004.

Fromm, Eric, 'Özgürlükten Kaçış', Çev. Selçuk Budak, Payel Yayınlan, İstanbul, 1993.

Salihoğlu Hüseyin, 'Alman Kültür Tarihi', İmge Yayınlan, İstanbul, 1993.

Vilar, Esther,'Dünyanın Başkenti', Çev.: Ahmet Cemal, yayımlanmamış oyun teksti.

www.mimarlarodasi .org .tr/mimarlikdergisi/index .cfm?sayfa=mimarlik&DergiS ayi=6&Re cI


www.radikal .com .tr/1999/10/20/yazarlar/musay s .html