Progressive Collapse Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete High-rise Building Designed According to Turkish Earthquake Code
Progressive Collapse Evaluation of a Reinforced Concrete High-rise Building Designed According to Turkish Earthquake Code
In this study, a numerical progressive collapse response evaluation was performed on a 40-story high-rise building designed according to the Turkish Earthquake Code of 2018 (TEC-2018). The alternate path method specified in the General Services Administration of 2016 (GSA2016) and the Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 4-023-03) was used for the evaluation. A total of 18 scenarios were investigated for column and shear wall removals. In the cases where hinges were observed, the extent of damage was evaluated using the performance criteria given in the Turkish Seismic Code and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 41-17. In this study, the most damage was observed when the corner column was removed at the bottom floor, while the least damage was observed on the shear walls close to the center and core of the building. For all the scenarios evaluated, no collapse was observed. The study deduced that the high-rise building designed according to TEC-2018 showed sufficient resistance to progressive collapse.
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