The Effects of Psychoeducational Interventions Based on Mindfulness on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Outcomes of Older Adults

People of the older ages are now the growing segment of the general population. Despite the individual diversities, older adults are perceived as associated with poor social and emotional functions. The present study aims to examine the effects of mindfulness-based psychoeducational interventions on the depression, anxiety, and stress outcomes of older adults. Thus, it highlights the significance of continuous research in the field of gerontology and awareness and offers suggestions for future research. In the study, the Pearson correlation research method is conducted. The target group consists of older adults aged 60 and over. Grandparents with grandchildren aged 0-6 who attend a pre-school in Bayrampaşa district of Istanbul province constitute the participants. According to repeated measures ANOVA analysis, DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) scores show a significant difference between before and after Mindfulness Training.


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