Sosyal Bilimcilerin Sosyal Bilim ve Üniversite Temsilleri

Bu çalışmada akademisyenlerin ‘ideal

Representations of Social Science and University among Social Scientists

In this study, the academics’ representations of ‘ideal university and social sciences’, and their perceptions of the university and social sciences acumen they exist in, is examined. 292 academics from different universities have contributed to the present study (130 W, 162 M). The questionnaire contains various adjectives and functions related to the university and to social sciences. It has been targeted that Academics make their respective choices among the adjectives and functions and thereby construct their representations of ideal university and social sciences and explicate how they perceive the university and social sci- ences they experience in practice. The results of the study reveal the presence of two patterns of representation concerning the university ideal: A representation pattern aligned with the adjectives and functionsreferring to the culture university, and another representation pattern aligned with the adjectives and functions referring to a liberal,market-oriented university. The former one, points to a hegemonic representation in high frequencies. Parallel with this result, twodistinct social science representations have been observed: “social science as a culture science” and “a functionalist and positivist social sci-ence”. The adjectives and functions featuring the first representation of social sciences have been found to be relatively higher in frequency. The findings related to the perceptions of the academics’ concerning dominant conceptions of social sciences of the universities they were employed and the environments they practiced, showed that the adjectives and functions predicating various views were grouped in hybrid manners; indicating that in actual reality, there was no construction corresponding to one distinct model.


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