İrvin Cemil SCHİCK

İslâmî Kitap San’atlarında Standartlaşma: Usta-Çırak İlişkisi ve İcazet Geleneği

Standardization in the Islamic Arts of the Book: the Master-Apprentice Relationship and the Tradition of LicensingStandardization in the Islamic Arts of the Book: the Master-Apprentice Relationship and the Tradition of Licensing

Osmanlı Araştırmaları

2017-Cilt: 49 - Sayı: 49


: İslâmî kitap sanatları, Hat, Tezhib, Ebru, Meşk, İcâzet, Gelenek, Yozlaşma

Islamic arts of the book, Calligraphy, Illumination, Marbling, Mashq (master-apprentice instruction), jazah (artistic license), Tradition, Degeneration