Şia'da Kur'an'ın Mevsukiyeti Sorunu: el-İntisar Adlı Eser Özelinde Bir Değerlendirme / The Matter of the Reliability of the Quran in Shia: An Evaluation in Scope of the Work Entitled al-Intisar / إشكالية موثوقية القرآن عند الشيعة: تقييم خاص لكتاب الانتصار

The Matter of the Reliability of the Quran in Shia: An Evaluation in Scope of the Work Entitled al-Intisar

İlahiyat Akademi

2019-Sayı: 10


Tefsir, Kur’an, Vahiy, Tahrif, Mevsûkiyet, Ehl-i Sünnet

Tafsir, the Quran, revelation, alteration, reliability, Ahl al-Sunnah, Shia