Gökçen YENİ

The Effect of 21st Century Skills Training on Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Their Educational Technology and Materials Development Competencies

The Effect of 21st Century Skills Training on Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Their Educational Technology and Materials Development Competencies

Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi

2022-Cilt: 11 - Sayı: 1


İngilizce Eşdizimlilik, Veriye Güdümlü Öğrenme, Çevrimiçi Sözlük, Çevrimiçi Bütünce, Google arama motoru, Yakınsak Karma Yöntemler Araştırması

L2 collocations, online collocation dictionary, Google search, corpus, data-driven learning, convergent mixed methods design