Nilesh Kumar MİTRA, Kanakeswary KRİSHNAN, Chong Chung HİONG, Yen Nee DİNG, Hsiao Lung EDDİE, Archana SİKARWAR

E14 fare embriyosundan izole edilen serebellar ve kortikal nörosferler üzerine etanol\'ün nörotoksik etkisinin değerlendirilmesi

Evaluation of the neurotoxic effects of ethanol on the cerebellar and cortical neurospheres isolated from E14 mouse embryo

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations

2012-Cilt: 3 Sayı: 4


Nöral kök hücre, etil alkol, in vitro toksisite

Neural stem cell, alcohol ethyl, in vitro toxicity