Osman KUPIK, Bayram ŞEN, Medeni ARPA, Uğur AVCI, Hasan GÜNDOĞDU, Süleyman KALCAN, Hasan GÜÇER, Şafak AKIN, Murat TUNCEL

The effect of thyroid hormone withdrawal performed to evaluate the success of I-131 ablation on quality of life and psychological symptoms in female patients with low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer

The effect of thyroid hormone withdrawal performed to evaluate the success of I-131 ablation on quality of life and psychological symptoms in female patients with low-risk differentiated thyroid cancer

Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine

2023-Cilt: 6 - Sayı: 1


Thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, life quality, psychological symptom

Thyroid cancer, hypothyroidism, life quality, psychological symptom