Zokir Boynazarov

Tarixiy-qomusiy manbalarda ifodalangan olamning lisoniy manzarasi va uning madaniyat tarixini o’rganishdagi o’rni (Mahmud Koshg’ariyning “Devonu lug’at-it turk” asari misolida)

The Language picture of the World represented in historical and encyclopedic sources and its place in the study of cultural history (In the example of ân Mahmut Kashgary's “Divânü Lugât’it-Türk”)

Akademik Tarih ve Düşünce Dergisi

2019-Cilt: 6 - Sayı: 4


Mahmud Koshg’ariy, “Devonu lug’at-it turk”

Mahmut Kashgary, “Divânü Lugât’it-Türk”