Impact Of Science Lessons Carried Out In Out-Of-School Environments On Students’ Attitudes

This research aims to study impacts of the teaching method - supported in out-of-school environments – of the unit of “Let’s Solve Puzzle of Our Body” on students’ attitude towards science. The mentioned unit takes part in teaching curriculum of Fifth Grade Science Lesson of Secondary Schools.  When the literature is studied, there is no research about this unit regarding to the impacts of science lessons supported with out-of-school environments on students’ attitude. Therefore, this research is thought to contribute into the literature in this respect. In the research, the pre-test - post-test equalized control group model, which is one of quasi-experimental methods, has been used.  The experimental group of the study includes 15 students, whereas there are 16 students in control group. The groups were determined through random sample. Before and after the research, the “Primary School Fifth Grade Science and Technology Attitude Scale” developed by Yaşar and Anagün (2008) has been used on both experimental and control groups. The students in the experimental group studied the unit with current program as well as activities in out-of-school environments. In control group, the students just studied the lessons at the current program, without having additional activities. A t-test was performed for pre-test independent samples, whereas the post-test was carried out through covariance analysis. At the end of the research, there was not a significant difference between pre-test (t29= .646, p<.05) and post-test (F(1-28)= .05 p<.05) scores. It is thought that the reasons such as the pre-test scores being high and the application being limited to just a unit had impact on failing to find a significant difference on the attitude scores. It is also thought that carrying out research on different grades from now on and out-of-school environment activities including more units might impact on students’ attitude toward science.


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