Relationship Between Professional Engagement, Career Development Aspirations and Motivation Towards The Teaching Profession of Prospective Teachers

The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between professional engagement, career development aspirations, and motivation towards the teaching profession of prospective teachers. Having been structured both with descriptive and relational survey model, the study consisted of 460 volunteer prospective teachers attending pedagogical formation certificate program at the education faculty of a big university located in Turkey’s Western Black Sea Region. The research data was collected through the Personal Information Questionnaire, Professional Engagement and Career Development Aspirations (PECDA) Scale and Motivation Levels of Prospective Teachers towards the Teaching Profession (MLPTTP) Scale. According to the data gained from the study, it was determined that prospective teachers’ professional engagement and career development aspiration level was moderate and their motivation towards teaching profession level was high; there is a moderate, positive and significant relationship between professional engagement, career development aspirations and motivation towards teaching profession. In the light of the data gained from the present study, long-term studies can be carried out with prospective teachers, and the development of the subjects related to the present research can be monitored after they are appointed as teachers.


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