Sarah Ahmed. Complaint!. Duke UP, 2021. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1478015093.

Sarah Ahmed. Complaint!. Duke UP, 2021. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-1478015093.

Complaint! emerged during the era of Black Lives Matter (BLM), #MeToo and the coronavirus pandemic, a moment in which transparency is required more than ever. Ahmed explores a timely topic, as systemic harassment has become an increasingly common occurrence. The question at heart of Sara Ahmed’s research is what elements make up a complaint. Her work is concerned with how power is experienced and challenged in everyday life and institutional cultures. Ahmed draws on oral and written testimonies of individuals who have been harassed in Australian university campuses. She examines the structures underlying the operation of academic institutions and the mechanisms of institutional power. She takes up an intersectional approach to complaints, following the tradition of Black feminist and feminist of colour critiques of institutional power. She exposes how institutional change becomes possible and why it is necessary.