ÖZM.Ö. 4. yüzyılda Karia’da, Batı Anadolu’daki diğer bölgelerden farklı biçimde, hızla ekonomik ve kültürel yükseliş yaşanmıştır. Bunun temel nedeni Hekatomnid Sülale yönetimidir. Özellikle Maussollos Dönemi’nde, tüm bölgede sayıları azımsanmayacak kadar çok anıtsal yapılar inşa edilir. Bu yapılar Halikarnassos, Mylasa, Labraunda, Priene, Kaunos, Alinda gibi farklı yerlerde, yaklaşık eşzamanlı yapılmıştır. Bu nedenle mimari detaylarında önemli benzerlikler görülür. Halikarnassos Maussolleion, Labraunda kutsal alanındaki yapılar, Priene Athena Tapınağı ve Kaunos kaya mezarları mimari açıdan dikkatle incelendiğinde bunlar açıkça ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu makalede, yukarıda belirtilen yapılar bu gözle incelenerek, aralarındaki bağlantılar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu bağlantılar üzerinden, bölgede ortalama M.Ö. 375-340 yılları arasındaki kısa sürede inşa edilen anıtsal binaların mimarları ve mimari atölyeleri üzerine bir tez sunulmuştur.ABSTRACTCaria had a rapid economic and cultural rise different from other regions in Western Anatolia in the 4th c. B.C. The main reason for this was the rule of Hekatomnid dynasty. There were numerous monumental structures that were constructed during the reigns of Maussollos and his brother Idrieus. Among them are the Halikarnassos Maussolleion, Labraunda Zeus and Priene Athena temples, Androns in Labraunda and the rock tombs of Kaunos that feature similar architectural characteristics. The buildings which were constructed in different places at about the same time display architectural similarities in grid system, plan types, use of architrave soffits and their entablatures. These details are evident when they are carefully examined from an architectural point of view. In this article, the above mentioned structures have been evaluated in this framework and the link between them has been identified. With the help of the data obtained, a thesis is proposed on the architects and architectural workshops of monumental buildings in Caria in the period between the years 390 and 340 B.C., a relatively short period of time for such a zoning program.  A brief summary of our proposal is that the famous architects Pytheos and Satyros, who lived in the 4th c. B.C. , worked on all of these constructions. Historical records show that these architects were directly related to the Maussolleion and Priene Athena temple. Other monumental buildings which were built in the same time frame with the Moussolleion and Athena temple lead us to think that Pytheos and Satyros were active in all major projects carried out in the region. As a result, I will explain the process that is defined as “the new reconstruction program of Caria under the Hekatomnid Dynasty” while at the same time presenting my interpretations on the working organization of architectural workshops.KEYWORDSKaria/Caria, Arkeoloji/Archaeology, Bodrum/Halikarnasos, Hekatomnidler/Hecatomnid Dynasty, Mausollos/Mausollus


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