Sports is a social organization. Social change is noy only reflected to ali social organizations but also to the way that sports is organized. İn this concept, if we compare Turkey and Germany, it is possible to see that social change deeply affects the way that sports is organized in botlı coııntry where conditions are different. İn both countries there have been always times when sports organizations were forbidden. In both countries, sportive organizations are toııght to be ideological means governed by the single- party government of those times though its essence and purpose are different. Position of sports against Central governments vary according to the characteristics of the regime, however, the regime, however, the general thought we come accros when we think of the position of sportive organizations with respect to socio-econonıic conditions in both countries is the fact that sports can find the chance to realize its main function only in democratic regimes where it is indepented from the government.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Sosyal değişim, Spor


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