1830 yılında Fransa tarafından işgal edilen Cezayir, 1962 yılında bağımsızlığını kazanabilmiştir. 132 yıl süresince Fransızların asimilasyon ve cahilleştirme politikalarına maruz kalınmış ve bu duruma karşı direnen bir toplum ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca, Cezayir’in anadili olan Arapçanın öğrenilmemesi ve dini olan İslam’dan vazgeçilmesi hususunda uğraşılmıştır. Arapçanın yerine Fransızcanın öğrenilmesi istenmiş ve bu şekilde de kendi benliklerinden daha kolay vazgeçebilecekleri düşünülmüştür. Bütün bunlar yaşanırken Avrupa’dan ve Fransa’dan getirtilen insanlara Cezayir halkının sahip olduğu mal ile mülk verilmiş ve Cezayir halkı hayatın hemen hemen her kademesinde ikinci sınıf vatandaşlığa itilmiş, nitekim cahil bir toplum yetiştirilmesi gayesi güdülmüştür. Ne yazık ki bu baskılara dayanamayan kimi Cezayirliler kendi topraklarından göç etmek zorunda bile kalmıştır. Bu duruma bir örnek vermek gerekirse Cezayirli ailelerin çocuklarını eğitim almaları adına Tunus’ta yer alan Zeytûne Üniversitesi’ne göndermeleri hususu ifade edilebilir. Dönemin şartları gözetildiğinde başta Tunus Zeytûne Üniversitesi’nin ve Tunus’ta yer alan diğer eğitim kurumlarının Arap ülkelerinde gerçekten saygın bir yeri vardı. Bu yüzden bu eğitim kurumları tercih edilirken aynı zamanda bu öğrencilerin ülkelerine döndüklerinde Cezayir’in en önde şairleri ve edipleri konumuna gelecekleri görülecektir. Cezayir edebi yaşamına baktığımızda ise 1907-1962 yılları arasında Cezayirliler, kendi ülkelerinde yazılarını yayımlayabilecek bir dergi veya gazete bulamaz olmuşlardır. Fransız ambargosuyla karşı karşıya olan bir ülke, içerisinde yaşadığı toplumsal hayatı ve edebi yaşamı yansıtamaz olmuştur. Yazarların bu durum karşısındaki çözümleri ise komşu ülke olan Tunus gazete ve dergilerine metinlerini göndermek olmuştur. Söz konusu dergiler ve gazeteler sayesinde yaklaşık olarak 60 yıllık bir döneme dair bilgi sahibi olabilmekteyiz. Bu çalışmada öncelikle Zeytûne Üniversitesi’nin tarihine dair malumat verilmesinin ardından Cezayir’den Tunus’a çalışmalarını gönderen âlimlerden ve Zeytûne Üniversitesi’ne okumaya giden öğrencilerinden ve son olarak da Tunus gazetelerinde yer alan edebi ürünler hakkında bilgi verilecektir.

In the French Colonial Period the Role of Tunusia Zaytuna University and Tunusian Newspapers on the Algerian Cultural Life

In 1830, Algeria was under French occupation as a result of the weakening of the Ottoman Empire and France's quest for colonialism. Algeria, which has been exposed to French occupation for a long time as 130 years, has been tried to be assimilated by trying to break its ties with Islam, which is a very important value for itself, its native language Arabic and other Islamic countries with its brothers. However, the Algerians defense against the French had to be moved to a cultural dimension before a military war. One of the best students of Zaytuna, who is also aware of this, ‘Abdul-Hamid b. Badis tried to enlighten Algerian people in this cultural battle and established the Algerian Muslim Scholars Association. In this he not only encouraged young people to attend classes in mosques and schools, or to publish articles in newspapers and magazines, but also to go to Zaytuna University in Tunisia so that they could receive an education that could support the future of Algeria. The French imposed a literary embargo on Algerian writers, preventing them from publishing and linking to newspapers. Therefore Algerian writers could not find a place to publish their writings. They were in need of publishing outside their homelands and demanding knowledge from various universities in the western and eastern Arab countries. And After all, at the beginning of the 20th century, the Tunisian newspapers opened their doors to Omar Rasim and Omar b. Kaddûr. These names have boldly expressed their views against the colonial French in the relevant newspapers. In this way, Omar Rasim and Omar b. Kaddûr. A new page was opened with national and intellectual relations, which were strengthened with the emergence of the generation of the school administrators. These names have boldly expressed their views against the colonial French in the relevant newspapers. In this way, Omar Rasim and Omar b. Kaddûr. A new page was opened with national and intellectual relations, which were strengthened with the emergence of the generation of the school administrators. This generation, while trying to deepen the relations between the two countries, and also in the effort to fight against the French through the newspapers. There were national and political royalties that emphasized kinship between the two peoples.  As a matter of fact, there was a common denominator against the French. In fact, this beginning is based on the publication of the first article by Omar Rasim in 1907 in the newspaper al- Takaddum in the newspaper in Tunisia. On the other hand, in 1952, 1500 Algerian students went to Zaytuna University in the capital city of Tunisia and to schools in other parts of the country. Later, Algerian students began to receive their diplomas. They had an indescribable fondness, love, and appreciation for the University of Zaytuna. This is because it was of great importance for the Arabization of Algeria, which had been destroyed under colonialism and for the protection of Islam. al-Sheikh Sa’îd Zahirî was proud of the Zaytuna University alumni of Zaytuna University, which is scattered all over Algeria in the newspaper. Undoubtedly the existence of Zaytuna University has served as a very important bridge for the young people who will form the future of Algeria. These young people have been educated in various schools in Tunisia, Especially Zeytune University and they have been able to carry their own experiences. Moreover, when they return to their own country, they will be among the most prominent writers of Algeria. Another vital contribution of Tunisia on Algeria is the possibility of sending the articles of Algerian writers to Tunisian newspapers and magazines because of the literary prohibitions imposed on Algeria.  In this way, writers from almost all parts of Algeria have written their articles and these articles have been published in the relevant newspapers and magazines in Tunisia, and have been sent to Algeria for sale. Thus, French's plan to disrupt the literary production in Algeria has failed. The reason behind this plan is to create an ignorant Algerian society. In this way, the French will be able to exploit Algeria as they wish, and  they will stay there  longer. We also have the opportunity to look at the literary and social life in Algeria thanks to Tunisian newspapers and magazines from 1907 to independence. In the light of all these, it is important to remember the contribution of the sister country Tunisia on Algeria.


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