Meşrutiyetle birlikte İran’da kadının edebiyattaki yeri de genişlemiş, çağdaş İranlı yazarlar hikâyelerinde kadın başkarakterlere yer vermiştir.  Celâl Âl-i Ahmed’in de hikâyelerinde değindiği en önemli konulardan biri toplum, kültür ve gelenek içinde kadının yeri, eğitimi ve aile yaşantısıdır. Celal Âl-i Ahmed, hikâyesine konu ettiği kadınlar üzerinden, toplumsal eleştiri yapar. Bu vurguyu güçlendirmek için karakterlerini toplumun uç kesimlerinden seçer. Kadınların hakir görülmesini, eğitimsiz ve cahil bırakılmasını eleştirir. Bu çalışmada Celâl Âl-i Ahmed’in, başkarakteri kadın olan hikâyeleri üzerine tahliller yapılmış, bu kadınların aile ve toplum içindeki yerleri incelenmiştir. Tahlil edilen hikâyelerden de anlaşılacağı üzere Âl-i Ahmed, hikâyelerinde kadın başkarakterlere sıkça yer vermiş ve bu kadınları genellikle toplumun alt tabakalarından seçmiştir. İster modern ister geleneksel olsun, Âl-i Ahmed’in kadın karakterlerinde bulunan ortak özellik, cehalettir ve kadın karakterlerin çoğu, Âl-i Ahmed’in hikâyelerindeki erkek karakterlerde de görülebileceği gibi ağzı bozuk ve geçimsiz karakterlerdir. Elbette karakterlerin oluşumunda Âl-i Ahmed’in yaşadığı dönemin şartları ve konu edindiği kesimin özellikleri yadsınamaz. Buradan hareketle yazarın yaşadığı topluma ne derece aşina olduğu gözlemlenebilir. Hikâyelerinin bazısı derin tahliller gerektiren metaforlar içerir. Bunların yanı sıra, kadınların toplum içindeki konumunu önemseyen bir yazar olan Âl-i Ahmed’in hikâyelerinde başarılı, eğitimli ve sosyal hayatta itibar sahibi bir kadın karakterin eksikliği de hissedilmektedir.

Woman in Jalal Al Ahmad Stories

The position of women in literature has widened in Iran along with the constitutionalism and contemporary Iranian writers have included females as chief characters in their stories. One of the most important topics that Jalal Al Ahmad mentions in his stories is women's role in society, culture and tradition, education and family life. Jalal Al Ahmad makes social criticism through the women in his stories. He chooses his characters from the extremes of the society to strengthen this emphasis. In this study, the stories of Jalal Al Ahmad in which the main characters are women and their place in the family and society is investigated. Whether modern or traditional, the common characteristic of the female characters of Al Ahmad is ignorance, and many of the female characters are obscene talker, as can be seen in the male characters of Al Ahmad's stories. Of course, in the formation of characters, the conditions of the period of Al Ahmad's life and the characteristics of the section he touched cannot be denied. therefore, it can be observed how well the author is familiar with his society. In addition, as a writer who cares about the position of women in society, the story of Al Ahmad is also felt as a lack of a well-educated, well-educated female character.Structured AbstractDuring the period of Al Ahmad; which is, from the beginning of the Pahlavi dynasty to the end of his life, the remarkable changes that took place in the life conditions of women led the women's matter become a subject in Jalal Al Ahmad's world of thoughts. In Iran literature, the first sparks of tendencies towards women are seen during the constitutionalism period. With the onset of the reign of the Pahlavi dynasty, revolutionary events occur in the individual and social lives of the Iranian women. Upon the abolition of hijab, articles about women, and criticism, analysis and commentaries were started to be written (İzanlû, 1393, p. 186). In his main theme, Jalal Al Ahmad has many stories about the lives of woman and the women. The stories of Bache Mardom, Lake Soorati, Khaharam va Ankabut, Shohare Amrikaei, Samanu Pazan, Khanume Nuzhatud-Dovle and Zane Ziadi are the works in which women are either the main characters or the stories happen around them and their lives. In our article, brief analysis of these works will be done and psychological conditions and social experiences of the main characters will be discussed.Al Ahmad, rich, poor; It takes women from different segments of society, including traditional, modern. But the common feature of most of the women in her stories is that they are women who are disconnected and ignored from the outside world. These women are inexperienced about what is happening outside their homes. Of course, this criticism of ignorance is not directed to women. Society is the legacy of tradition and culture that compels them to be so. Jalal Al Ahmad makes social criticism over the women he subjects to his stories. Jalal Al Ahmad makes social criticism over the women he subjects to his stories.Characters of Jalal's stories are adapted from real life and they have no idea they are the characters of Jalal's stories. According to these statements, the women in the stories of Jalal Al Ahmad are women in the social text of that day, and Al Ahmad depicts many of them and informs the reader of their conditions and conditions of the day in which those women have lived. In general, Jalal Al Ahmad criticizes women's oppressiveness and demonstrative freedoms in society, while portraying female characters and their world of thought. In his work Gharbzadegi (Westernization), he writes: “We took veil from their heads only by beating and sticks and just opened a portion of the madrassa's to them. Then what? After that, nothing...We gave women only the appearance in society, only appearing; that is to show themselves. We have no other goal and purpose other than increasing the flock of powder and lipstick (western industry products) consumers in the years of freedom of demonstration of women”In most of the stories in question, the main theme is the problems of traditional, social and familial pressures; women who make wrong and ignorant decisions. Divorced women and a woman who did not find happiness in her marriage also had an important place in the stories of Jalal Al Ahmad. These women cannot be separated from their husbands due to social and familial repressions or they have to sacrifice their own lives and even their sons. As it could be understood from the analyzed stories, Jalal Al Ahmad frequently included female protagonists in his stories and generally chose these women from the sub-levels of society. Whether modern or traditional, the common feature in the female characters of Al Ahmad is ignorance, and many of the female characters have bad mouth and disobedient characters, as can be seen in the male characters in the stories of Al Ahmad as well. Of course, in the formation of characters, the conditions of the era Al Ahmad lives in and the characteristics of the demographics he touches play an active role. From this point of view, it is possible to observe how familiar the author is to the society he lives in. Some of his stories contain metaphors that require deep assays. In addition, as a writer who cares about the position of women in society, the lack of a successful, well-educated and socially credible female characters is felt.


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