Russian Monastery’s Accounting and Auditing in the 16th –17th Centuries

This paper reviews a history of accounting and auditing practice in 16th-17th centuries at the most known monastery of Russia – Solovetsky. This monastery was established in the first half of 15th c. For the first time the earliest of the preserved accounting documents of the monastery - saint hegumen Philip’s “memory” of donations and expense to the cloister building (1547/48) is introduced. The evolution of accounting system and basic principles of the income-expenditure books’ composition in different cloister services are investigated on the archive’s documentary base. In the monastery existed a universal system of the money and other means accounting. All officials, even common monks and servants, who carried out temporary commissions or trips, had to fix their incomes and expenditures, and reported before the management of the monastery. The special commissions headed by “eklisiarkh” were established in the 17th c. They conducted testing (“schet”) of all cloister services and compiled auditing paper (“schetny spisok”). Such records of 1628, 1645, 1649, 1656 and others have been considered. Similar tests since 1631 were converted into the unique audit. Those auditing not only studied the correctness of the income-expenditure books composition (i. e. their balance - equality of income with the expenditure and the remainder), but also the state of entire service. In this year on the initiative, it is probable, of a new head of monastic economy (“kelar”) Varfolomey was introduced the required composition of rejection (“otvodnaja”) books. They were created with each change of stewards. In them it was fixed all production equipment (except buildings), inventory, cattle, food and other reserves, which were in every service. So not only data of the income and expenditure books were considered, but also was compared state, it is possible to say, the fixed capital of service at the beginning and in the end of every term. The economic effectiveness of the work of each service, each steward was evaluated.