الاستشھاد في اللغة العربیة

Quoting in Arabic language are extensively used in Arabic language books. This makes these bookscrowded with words such as: As-shahed (the quote that proves a language usage in specificcontext), Methaal (example of usage), Al-hujja (the proof of the correctness) or expressions such as:“It has more flexibility to have quotes from modernized resources in the context of Al-ma’anee(semantics studies)”, “ only classic resources are applicable in the field of …. , where modernizedones are not acceptable”, “this quote was confirmed to be used as a proof of the language usage inthis context”, or “quoting from this poem is not acceptable since the poet’s trip is not recognized tobe quoted from” …. etc.Quoting is one of the most important field of study in Arabic language where it plays a key role onbuilding and validating the language rules in different fields such as syntax, morphology, andrhetoric. This is by studying the standards that determine the validity of quoting a given text (fromArabic reference) in order to be used as a foundation to form language rules in the Arabic language.Due to its importance, quoting has been extensively studied in literature and many ancient andrecent references have tickled this topic. Numerous number of books have implicitly studied thistopic and many research papers have either wholly discussed quoting or one of its aspects.The main question is “Does all Arabic sayings are valid to be quoted”. Moreover, due to the longhistory of Arabs a second question is raised up: “at what point of the timeline of Arab history,Arabic text can be still quoted?”, and why the speech of some Arabic tripes can be quoted while it isnot the case for the others? And since Arabic language contains several types of speech such aspoem and prose, Quran and Ḥadīth, does all are valid to be quoted and are all equal in quoting rules.And do these different types of speech are equal to quote in all linguistic sciences or some type canbe used for quoting on one field while the other cannot? And some fields are more restricted thanthe others? This field of study tries to answer all the above questions, by putting an accuratecriterion which based on many factors such as the time and the geographical location where thisArabic saying is recorded.This research (Quoting in Arabic Language) surveyed all related works in literature includingancient works and recent researches. Furthermore, the research questions stated above are alsoinvestigated and related terms, definitions and research topics in the field are addressed andhighlighted. Finally, the researcher pointed out that the awareness of ancient Arabs to protect theirlanguage lead them to rigorously deal with quoting issues. Thus the researcher recommends torevise previous works in order to be adapted with the current needs without diluting the case.


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