Analysing crisis situations of seedlings and crisis conditions in palmyra palm stands in Burkina Faso

The regeneration system of Borassus aethiopum in Burkina Faso is the subject of several hypotheses. However, it is challenging to implement appropriate conservation strategies due to the lack of usage of bioeconomic approaches to support this or that perspective. The objective of this study is to settle this debate by assessing the status of palm tree stands using a bioeconomic model based on a dynamic equilibrium price. The data used in the study was gathered from thirty farming households in the study area in 2010, 2015, and 2020, as well as from monitoring thirty farm sites. The results show that, on average, there is an equilibrium between the rate of harvesting and the rate of regeneration of the palmyra palm. Nonetheless, market prices do not reflect the species' value, as they are between 28% and 166% below their implicit level. To ensure a proportionality coefficient between the equilibrium price and the resource constraint, a dynamic Pigouvian tax should be applied, taking into account the gap, the rate of exploitation, and regeneration.

Analysing crisis situations of seedlings and crisis conditions in palmyra palm stands in Burkina Faso

The regeneration system of Borassus aethiopum in Burkina Faso is the subject of several hypotheses. However, it is challenging to implement appropriate conservation strategies due to the lack of usage of bioeconomic approaches to support this or that perspective. The objective of this study is to settle this debate by assessing the status of palm tree stands using a bioeconomic model based on a dynamic equilibrium price. The data used in the study was gathered from thirty farming households in the study area in 2010, 2015, and 2020, as well as from monitoring thirty farm sites. The results show that, on average, there is an equilibrium between the rate of harvesting and the rate of regeneration of the palmyra palm. Nonetheless, market prices do not reflect the species' value, as they are between 28% and 166% below their implicit level. To ensure a proportionality coefficient between the equilibrium price and the resource constraint, a dynamic Pigouvian tax should be applied, taking into account the gap, the rate of exploitation, and regeneration.


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