The Perception of School Administrators towards Social Responsibility

The main goal of this study is to investigate on what degree the perception of school administrators towards social responsibility is and to see whether these perceptions showstatistical differences according to gender, administrative seniority, duty, graduation and the number of students in their schools, under the framework of “the perception of school administrators in government primary and secondary schools based”. Firstly the literature on social responsibility was examined. “A Scale of Social Responsibility Perception” has been created in order to collect data according to related literature. By the help of the data achieved with this scale, it has been introduced whether the perceptions of administratorsdiffered according to gender, administrative seniority, duty, graduation and the number of students in their schools. The Scale of Social Responsibility Perception was created usingdata from 660 administrators. The questionnaire framework which was originally created with 120 questions was reduced to 76 questions after 44 were cut off according to our consultation to specialists. After conducting reliability, item-total, item-remainder, itemdiscriminative and factor analysis on the data achieved from the 76 item questionnaire, the remaining 24 item scale was called The Scale of Social Responsibility Perception (SSRP). Sustainable responsibility, democratic responsibility, legal responsibility, ınnovativeresponsibility were called to SSRP that consists of 24 items. Statistically meaningful diversity was observed in gender, graduation and the number of students in the administrotor’s schools variables. Keywords: Social responsibility, legal responsibility, sustainability, innovation,school administrator, social responsibility perception scale.


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