Menderes massif located in the Western Anatolia, in Turkey, is made up of the old crystalline rocks. The last main metamorphism of this massif has been completed during Upper Paleocene - Lower Eocene. The general sequence of the study area which is situated in the Ödemiş submassif of the Menderes massif consists of, in ascending order, basal gneiss complex, blue augen gneiss, leptite (metavolcanic), schist and marble. This metamorphic sequence was cut by the post-metamorphic acidic and basic plutons and covered by the young volcanics. Leptites occuring between gneiss and schist units are the metamorphic equivalents of the dacitic and rhyolitic volcanics. These island arc volcanics have a calc-alkaline kindred. According to the age, geological position and chemical characteristics, these metavolcanics of the Ödemiş submassif may be correlated with the island arc volcanic bell widely exposed in the NE Africa and Arabian Peninsula, in relation to the late phases of the Pan-African orogenesis. 


Menderes massif located in the Western Anatolia, in Turkey, is made up of the old crystalline rocks. The last main metamorphism of this massif has been completed during Upper Paleocene - Lower Eocene. The general sequence of the study area which is situated in the Ödemiş submassif of the Menderes massif consists of, in ascending order, basal gneiss complex, blue augen gneiss, leptite (metavolcanic), schist and marble. This metamorphic sequence was cut by the post-metamorphic acidic and basic plutons and covered by the young volcanics. Leptites occuring between gneiss and schist units are the metamorphic equivalents of the dacitic and rhyolitic volcanics. These island arc volcanics have a calc-alkaline kindred. According to the age, geological position and chemical characteristics, these metavolcanics of the Ödemiş submassif may be correlated with the island arc volcanic bell widely exposed in the NE Africa and Arabian Peninsula, in relation to the late phases of the Pan-African orogenesis. 


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