Pressence of Nummulites Fabianii (Prever) Group (Nummulites ex gr. fabianii) And Associated Foraminifers in the Elazığ Region

The presence of Nummulites ex gr. fabianii has been indicated in the Eocene sediments, and the stratigraphy of the region is briefly given. The rock units of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic ages crop out in the region. The Paleozoic sequence is composed of metamorphic rocks. This unit is tectonically underlain by the Mesozoic sequence formed of magmatic rocks. The Paleozoic and Mesozoic rocks arc unconformably overlain by the sandstone and algal limestones of the Upper Lutetian age. Algal limestone contain genera of the Foraminifcra such as Nummulites perforatus (Montfort). Assilina spira (de Roissy), Alveolina fusiformis Sowerby, Alveolina elongata d'Orbigny, Fabiania cassis (Oppenheim) and Chapmanina gassinensis (Silvestri). The Priabonian sequence conformably overlies the sandstone and algal limestones of the Upper Lutetian age. It is composed of the alternating sandstone and clay and limestones. The Priabonian sequence is characterized by the species of Foraminifera such as Nummulites fabianii (Prever), Nummulites ex gr. fabianii, Nummulites striatus (Bruguicrc), Chapmanina gassinensis (Silvestri), Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmarm), Linderina brugesi Schlumberger, Eorupertia magna (Le Calvez). Halkyardia minima (Liebus) and Praernapydionina huberi Henson. The Upper Miocene sequence unconformably overlies the limestone of the Phabonian age, and it is composed of volcanic rocks.



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