A Late Miocene sedimentary sequence, over 900 m., crops out in the north-northeast trending graben type depression developed at the western margin (north of Torbalı) of the Bozdağ high. This sequence is represented with the several complete and incomplete sedimentary cycles which are mainly composed of, in ascending order, conglomerate, sandstone and algal limestone segments. According to the lithofacies analyses, the clastic rocks of this normal fault-boundered depression deposited in the alluvial fan and plain environmental conditions by rapid deposition of the sedimentary load of the gravel-sand dominated hyperconcentrated flood flows originated from the Nif Dağı and Bozdağ high. In consequence of these floods, the small, variable boundered, occasionally wavered and fringing with swamps, ephemeral freshwater lake environments formed characterizing with algal limestones.



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