Somiirgecilik sonras1 yazm somut bir gen;ekliginin iiriinii olarak yazmsal dizgede yerini alm1§, dikkat 9ekici iiriinleri ile son y1llarda geni§ bir okur kitlesine ula§IDI§tlf. Bu 9ah§mayla baz1 Afrikah yazarlar baglammda somiirgecilik sonras1 yazm1 9e§itli bile§enleri ele almaya, bu dizgenin 9eviri edimiyle somut ve metaforik ili§kisini gozlemlemeye 9ah§Ilm1§tlr. Somiirgecilik sonras1 yazm ilk bakI§ta kulland1g1 dil, daha sonra da ele ald1g1 konular ile ilgi 9ekmektedir. Bu iki bile§enden sonra 9eviri ile ili§kisinde ortaya 91kan sorunlar ve bu yazmsal dizgenin tiriinlerinin nasil okunup yorumland1g1, bu okuma ve yorumlama siireci sonunda kendisine nas1l bir misyon yiiklendigi sorgulanmaya deger sorunsallar1 olarak kar§1- m1za 91kmaktadir. Bu 9ah§ma yukar1da belirtilen s1ra izlenerek §ekillendirilmi§tir. Kulland1g1 dilden ba§layarak okunma ve yorumlanma siirecine giden bir s1ra ile degerlendirilmeye 9ah§Ilacaktir. 


      Assist. Prof. Dr. Betiil Parlak: Post-colonial Literature and Translation. This article focuses on postcolonial literature and its relationship with the act of translation in the texts of some African authors. The language used by the majority of postcolonial writers is the language of the colonialists.With their choice of language, these postcolonial writers want to represent their works in a global context. Yet some critics consider this choice as a struggle for fredoom since it deconstructs and recreates the enemy's language.Writing in a language that doesn't belong to one's own signifies that writing is a process of translation. The author translates his/her culture, emotions, thoughts from his/her own language into the Other's. Can this translation process be considered a struggle or assimilation? This is the focal point of the postcolonial writing and literature. It is important to analyze what postcolonial literature offers in its deep narrative structures and how the western scholars read them.


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