Hukuk, bir yandan siyaset, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültür alanlarında sosyal yapının önemli bir dengeleyicisi olarak “adalet” idealine ulaşmayı hedeflerken diğer yandan toplumun adalet duygusunu tatmin etme ve kamu yararını sağlama yönünde önemli bir görevi üstlenir. Zamana bağlı olarak değişen hukuk sistemi, hukuk oğreniminin de değişimini zorunlu kılar. Genel olarak Kıta Avrupasi hukuk sistemine dayalı olan Türkiyedeki hukuk sistemi de bu gerçeğin bir parçasıdır ve son yüzyılda hızlı bir yenileme sürecine girmiş ve hukuk eğitimi de buna bağlı olarak farklı bir yönde şekillenmiştir. Son zamanlarda ise, özellikle AB hukuk sisteminin etkisi altında yenilenmesini halen sürdürürken “Bologna Süreci” standartları aracılığıyla hukuk öğreniminin izlenebilir ve denetlenebilir bir yapıya dönüştürülmesinin minimum ölçüde de olsa izlenebilir ve denetlenebilir bir yapıya kavuşması sağlanmıştır. Bir anlamda bu süreç, hukuk eğitiminde de “dış denetim”e açık bir “iç denetim” yoluyla, öğrenilen teoriyi uygulama ve böylece istihdama katkısı yönüyle farklılık sağlamaya başlamıstır. Türkiyede hukuk fakültelerinde öğrencilerin mezuniyetlerinden önce herhangi bir hukuk sahasında önceden bir mesleki uzmanlık kazanma şansları bulunmamaktadır. Mezunlar mezuniyetlerini müteakiben, sınavlarda başarılı olmaları şartıyla ve stajlarının hemen bitiminde avukat, noter, hakim ya da savcı vasfını kazanırlar. Bu çalışmada, hukuk öğrencilerinin lisans eğitimleri sırasında aldıkları teorik ve pratik derslerin hukuk mesleğine katkılarını ve araçların etkinliğini ölçmek amacıyla bilimsel yöntemler kullanılarak ölçülmeye çalışılmıştır. Anket, yedi farklı devlet ve özel üniversitesindeki hukuk fakültelerinde yürütülmüştür. Sorular, öğrenci, genç akademisyen ve meslekte profesyonel avukatlar, hakimler ve savcılar tarafından cevaplanmıştır.

Makale Adı: Türkiye’de Hukuk Öğreniminde Pratik Eğitim ve Bu Eğitimin İstihdama Katkısının Değeri

Law, as a major stabilizer in the fields of politics, socio-economic and culture, satisfies the sense of justice in the society while aiming to reach the idea of “justice” and plays a significant role for the benefit of the society. The legal system in Turkey, which is based on the legal system of the continental Europe and exists in the form of statute lawand the legal education concerns, has gone through a rapid renovation process in the last century. Today, while under the influence of EU legal system, still going through its renovation originated in the West, it has been paving the way for the legal education to be transformed into a standard and traceable structure as it is the case with the other fields within the “Bologna Process”. In one sense, this process enables an “internal control” which is open to an “external control”, attaches importance particularly to the fact that theories are in parallel to practice and so to employment. The students at law schools in Turkey are not allowed a vocational specialization in any legal areas prior to their under graduation. In the period following their under graduation, they are qualified as lawyers and notaries upon completion of their internship or as judges or prosecutors provided that they succeed in exams. Regarding the issue of employment in the postgraduate period, the study will analyze the ratio of the theoretical and practice courses that students of law were taking during their studies and the ratio of their contribution to the legal profession by using the methods of survey research and statistical analysis. One of the most common problems that law students face is to harmonizing their expectations for the future and what they learn and practice during their studies1 . The students at law schools in Turkey are not allowed a vocational specialization in any legal areas prior to their under graduation. In the period following their under graduation, they are qualified as lawyers and notaries upon completion of their internship or as judges or prosecutors provided that they succeed in exams. However, there has always been criticism concerning the legal education itself. The legal experts who cannot pursue the social and legal changes, adapt themselves to the new laws, and so go beyond the level of a technician in the field have drawn strong criticism.2 The general criticism concerning the significance of practical legal education in Turkey is as follows3 : - The professors cannot transfer the theoretical knowledge they teach into practice, - The testing system does not serve the purpose of assessing the application of the theoretical knowledge and putting it into practice, - Theory and practice are treated and separately and cannot be integrated, - Law students are educated to become ‘technicians’ rather than ‘legal experts’. As a matter of fact, in all of the criticismoutlined above is argued that the legal education in Turkey fails to integrate the theory into practice. This study uses scientific methods to measure the effectiveness of arguments. Regarding the issue of employment in the postgraduate period, the study analyses the ratio of the theoretical and practice courses that students of law were taking during their studies and the ratio of their contribution to the legal profession by using the methods of survey research and statistical analysis. The survey was carried out in seven law schools in bothstate and private universities. The questions were answered by the law studentsand the academicstaff as well as professional lawyers, judges and prosecutors in the profession. The role of the unions in the profession in the postgraduate period was also examined and it was attempted to establish a relationship between the profession and the legal education.


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