Experiencing Flow with Technology in Foreign Language Classrooms
Experiencing Flow with Technology in Foreign Language Classrooms
Information and communication technologies (ICT) used in education, particularly Web 2.0
tools, have become vital for today's language teaching environment. Learners and
instructors employ these tools to enhance engagement and motivation in the classroom.
Optimal experience and heightened focus associated with Web 2.0 tools align with the flow
theory. This study explores the flow experience of English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
learners and instructors while utilizing Web 2.0 tools and the factors influencing this
experience. The Flow Short Scale and semi-structured interviews were employed for data
collection. The findings indicate that EFL learners and instructors experienced flow while
using Web 2.0 tools, and their perspectives on using these tools were revealed. Furthermore,
the study emphasizes effectively integrating Web 2.0 tools into language lessons to enhance
in-class flow experience and learning performance.
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