A Review on Teachers’ and Teacher Candidates’ Intrinsic Motivation: Self-determination Theory Perspective
A Review on Teachers’ and Teacher Candidates’ Intrinsic Motivation: Self-determination Theory Perspective
Considering the results driven by two decades of empirical work on Self-determination Theory, it is claimed students benefit from intrinsic motivation. However, teachers need to be intrinsically motivated for the profession to fully support intrinsic motivation of students. This study aims to identify the variables in a positive relationship with intrinsic, or self-determined motivation of teachers and teacher candidates based on the existing studies. It is also aimed to make suggestions on how to increase their intrinsic motivation from the perspective of self-determination theory. In this review study, qualitative document analysis method was used. 48 existing studies fulfilling the pre-determined criteria were reviewed and their results sections were analyzed to answer the research questions. Concerning the results, teachers’ and teacher candidates’ intrinsic motivation has an effect on competence in teaching, job satisfaction and retention, students’ motivation for learning, willingness to be involved in and sustain professional development, reduced teacher burnout, goal orientation, decrease in severity of reality shock, productive teaching style, and learning styles. Besides, in case three needs (for autonomy, relatedness and competence) are fulfilled, they are likely to become more intrinsically motivated towards the teaching profession. The results are significant in terms of presenting a frame for teachers’ intrinsic motivation and shedding light on the possible directions for future studies.
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