İnsanın, akıl mâliki varlık olduğunun ve bunun kılavuzluğunda yaşanıldığının bilinci demek olan logostan, bildiğimizce, ilk defa, M.Ö. Altıncı yüzyılda Eski- çağ Ege medeniyet âleminden Pitagoras ile Herakleitos bahsetmişlerdir. Öteki bütün canlılar, az yahut çok duyan, duygulanan, demekki edilgen varolanlardır. Tek, bir tek insan, karşılaştığını değerlendirip anlamlandıran akıl mâliki etkin canlıdır. Giderek, insanın akıl varlıklılığına dayanılarak inşâ olunmuş kurum, felsefe-bilimdir. Malzemeyi hazırlayıp yapıtaşlarını sağlayan Eflâtun olmakla birlikte, binânın mimarı Aristotelestir.


Man got conscious of the fact that he is the Being endowed with Reason. The discovery of the human consciousness of the aforestated status as to be the Being of Reason goes way back to the Sixth century BC mainland Greece and on the Eastern parts of the Ægean sea (Samos island), made by two outstanding sages, Pythagoras (570 - 495) and Herakleitos (535 - 475). This consciousness of to be the Being of Reason was called logos. It was, eventually, on logos that philosophy-science came to be established by Plato (427 - 347) and Aristotle (384 - 322). The former may be considered as the trailblazer of this monumental, unique, unprecedented edifice, whereas the latter could be seen as the genuine architect of it.Plato derived, philosophy out of wisdom and placed the problem of State right at the midpoint of is construction, whereas Aristotle assigned metaphysics onto the central stage of the system of philosophy-science. Why? Just because, for Plato who was, still, too much embedded in divinity, philosophy meant love and pursuit of wisdom, the knowledge to lead a superior sort of life. According to him the human being can sustain himself only within that very organised social order called the State (polis).As for Aristotle; in contrast to his master Plato, he holds philosophy-science out of any religious deliberation as well as of any practical concern or design. Thus, philosophy-science is, indeed, the first worldly, in another word, profane institution in history. It is, moreover, a purely theoretical endeavour in persuit of knowledge as such. The pricipal deriving force of this search is the urge to discover1 and uncover the hidden truth (aletheia).