Depresyon Hastalarında Belirti Şiddeti Ve Umutsuzluğun İntihar Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Depresyon, intihar, umutsuzluk.

mpact of Hopelessness and Severity of Depression on Suicidal Behaviour in Depressive Patients

Depression is the most frequent disorder anticipated in people with suicidal behaviour. Underlying etiology of suicidal behaviours in depressive patients is stil unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of hopelessness and severity of depression on suicidal behaviour in depressive patients. Material and Method: This study was conducted in Gülhane Military Medical Academy Hospital between March 2005 and July 2006. The study sample consisted of 85 subjects who were fulfilled selection criteria and who were admitted our hospital because of suicide attempt. Patient who initially had submitted to another hospital and then referred our hospital also included in the study. Seventy patients who had been diagnosed and treated as depressive disorder without suicide attempt at the same time interval enrolled in the control group. Sociodemographic data form, SCID (Structured Clinical Interview For DSM-IV Axis I Disorders), Beck’s Depression Scale, Beck’s Hopelessness Scale were used in evaluation. Results: As a result, no statistically significant difference between groups was found. Beck’s Hopelessness score was found to be higher in suicide group and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: It has been found that hopelessness is a more important parameter on evaluating suicide risk and preventing suicide commitment than the severity of depression and in view of this fact detecting hopelessness should be highlightly considered.


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