Bir Köpekte Hematik Mumifikasyon Olgusu

Sunulan makalede abdominal gerginlik şikayetiyle kliniğimize getirilen Kurzhaar ırkı bir av köpeğinde saptanan hematik mumifikasyon olgusu ve tanı sonrası uygulanan tedavi değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan transabdominal ultrasonografik muayenede fötüslere ait bir bulguya rastlanmamasına rağmen, radyolojik incelemede uterusta 4 adet fötüs olduğu görüldü. Fötüslerin uzaklaştırılması amacıyla genel anestezi altında abdominal laparotomi yapıldı ve ovaryohisterektomi gerçekleştirildi. Operasyondan 2 hafta sonra yapılan kontrolde köpeğin klinik olarak sağlıklı olduğu gözlendi. Sonuç olarak; dişi köpeklerde rastlanan abdominal gerginlik olgularında mumifiye fötüs durumunun da göz önüne alınması ve doğru tanı için mutlaka ayrıntılı jinekolojik muayene yöntemlerine ek olarak radyografinin de uygulanması gerektiği kanısına varılmıştır. ●●● S U M M A R Y Haematic Mummification in A Bitch In the present case, haematic mummification and its therapy was evaluated in a Kurzhaar hound bitch which was referred to our clinic due to abdominal enlargement. Although there was no evidence of foetuses on transabdominal ultrasound examination, however the radiography revealed 4 foetuses in uterus. Surgery was scheduled to remove foetuses and routine ovario-hysterectomy was performed under general anaesthesia. Two weeks after surgical intervention, the bitch was observed clinically normal. In conclusion, foetal mummification event should be considered in encountered abdominal enlargement cases and radiography should be used in addition to detailed gynaecological examinations in bitches.
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Haematic Mummification in A Bitch

Haematic Mummification in A Bitch In the present case, haematic mummification and its therapy was evaluated in a Kurzhaar hound bitch which was referred to our clinic due to abdominal enlargement. Although there was no evidence of foetuses on transabdominal ultrasound examination, however the radiography revealed 4 foetuses in uterus. Surgery was scheduled to remove foetuses and routine ovario-hysterectomy was performed under general anaesthesia. Two weeks after surgical intervention, the bitch was observed clinically normal. In conclusion, foetal mummification event should be considered in encountered abdominal enlargement cases and radiography should be used in addition to detailed gynaecological examinations in bitches



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